It’s time for Sharathon 2024. Would you prayerfully consider joining us in ministry this upcoming year?
With your prayer and financial support, we can continue broadcasting the Good News of Jesus Christ.
There are a lot of ways to get involved, keep scrolling for more details!
Would you pray for this ministry? Throughout our fundraiser, but also the upcoming year. Please pray that God would use this station for His Glory and that many more people would come to know the saving grace of Jesus in the coming year.
Monthly Giving
Those who choose to give monthly make a big difference in the budget at KGCR. Your monthly support means we know we’ll be able to pay the bills as they come each month, year after year.
Click DONATE NOW above if you’d like to sign up with a Credit/Debit card to join the monthly support team.
You can always call 1-888-882-5427 if you’d prefer to give by phone.
One Time Gifts
Your one-time gift during Sharathon really helps us start the upcoming year on a sturdy foundation.
Click DONATE NOW (above) if you’d like to send a one-time gift.
You can always call 1-888-882-5427 if you’d prefer to give by phone.
Day Sponsors
When you sponsor a day or half-day of broadcasting you will be able to select any day, that is still available, for your sponsorship message. Any day that is special to you can be sponsored such as a birthday, an anniversary, a holiday, or in memory of a loved one.
After you sponsor a day we will send you a card that you can fill out with all the information you would like us to record in your 60-second announcement. You can also include a Bible verse for your message.
If you want to sponsor a full day it is $720.00 and your announcement will be played every hour during the day. A half Day Sponsor is $360.00; the A.M. half Day Sponsor will be played once an hour from midnight until noon and a P.M. Day Sponsor will be played once an hour from noon until midnight.
If you have any questions or would like to sponsor a day or half-day you can send us an email at
or give us a call at 1-888-882-5427.
Businesses and Ministries across the area can support KGCR by underwriting our programming.
Sign up for any new underwriting spots during Sharathon and we’ll give you extra spots; buy one get one free for the first 6 months!
In thanks for your support for this local radio ministry in your spot, we’ll mention the name of your business, contact information, and a few products or services you offer.
Partner with us in impacting the Tri-State area with the truth of God’s Word and receive extra spots on KGCR to let everyone know who you are! Give us a call to talk about options and pricing at 1-888-882-5427.